Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Crazy Unpredictable Weather

As you all know the Traveling Hillbilly loves the Land of Enchantment. A lot of people think of New Mexico as just desert, but it's so much more than that. It has so much to offer and I especially love being in the mountains of New Mexico. The higher elevation keeps the temperatures much cooler than many other parts of the state.  I mean here it is August and the morning temperatures can be in the 50s! Almost every morning we wake up to beautiful blue skies and within the hour, the sky is shrouded in dark clouds and a thunderstorm  might move through, we might have hail, or we don't even get rain and in another hour, we are back to startlingly blue skies.  It's really crazy and unpredictable.
View of the ski mountain under a clear blue sky
 ski mountain,shrouded in a rain cloud, 10 min later

In the two weeks I've been here, we've had temperatures in the 50s up to the high 80s. We've had beautiful days with clear blue skies, we've had hail, we've had thunderstorms, we've had fog roll in and you half expect it to start snowing! Sometimes, all this happens in the same day, or even in the span of a few hours. It really is crazy, but the Traveling Hillbilly loves it!

I am certainly not missing the humidity of the south.
360 view from blue skies to thunderclouds
I'm hoping to stay here with this crazy unpredictable weather until the fall weather hits the south.

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