Sunday, July 7, 2019

Traveling Through Glacier National Park

The part of the journey the Traveling Hillbilly was most excited about was going through Montana and Glacier National Park.   And it did not dissapoint!  After a lot of green, primarily flat, scenery we were ready to see some mountains.   The only bummer was we were running a little behind schedule so we hit Glacier National Park just as we were sitting down to dinner and just as it started to rain.  

What amazing views we had during dinner, but the bright lights of the dining car often caused such a glare it was hard to get good pictures.  The pictures just wouldn't do it just anyway.  It is exactly what you would imagine Montana would look like.   Crystal clear streams, widen open spaces, followed by steep mountains.  The scenery was simply magnificent.   I would highly recommend taking the train for this part of a journey.  It is such a relaxing way to enjoy it's beauty.  


Suddenly it was 10p and was still somewhat light outside.  The rain had stopped and we got to see that stunning pink Montana sky.

So far my favorite part of the journey.

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